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Letter from Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby

Hello Year 5, 


Here is your second letter from us. I hope that you and your families are all ok and you enjoyed your Easter holidays (and got to eat lots of chocolate of course)!


We wanted to say a big thank you for trying so hard with your home school activities and to your parents for all their support and help, we really appreciate it. 


Well done for keeping up with your reading, this will make a big difference and you will see improvements quickly if you read for around 20 mins each day! 

We now have an online library called Epic! Reading  ( where you can access books online, using the username and password that has been emailed to your parents. I can see that many of you have logged on and are reading the books online, 13 books have been completed already! This is fantastic, keep going! 


You can also access Sumdog and TTrockstars online to help you practice your maths skills. Well done to Sky Farren who is topping the leaderboard, watch out though, Denzel Vickeryis close behind!


I have been working on your next home school pack of activities for week 3 (dated 20.4.2020 on our class page of the school website). I have included 4 a day activities, Maths, English, Science (forces) and History (The Maya). I have also added some extra activities that I thought you might enjoy such as art and a geography quiz.


This week there is a timetable to help you organize breaking the activities into manageable chunks but this is just a suggestion and you can do them at a time that suits you best. Just remember you don’t have to do everything in one go, have plenty of breaks. 


Remember that we all work at different levels and find some subjects easier and others harder. There may be times when you feel stuck, don’t worry it’s ok! Here are some suggestions of what you can do if you find something difficult: 

  • Stop and think carefully about it, have a go, you might get it right after all. 

  • Look at the help sheets for maths. 

  • Look at any examples. 

  • Ask an adult, they might just need to help you get started. 

  • There are activities at different levels, choose the level that suits you best. 

  • Don’t rush, if something takes you longer than the suggested time that’s ok, you can always come back to it the next day. 


Please tweet any work that you feel proud of. We would love to see what you have been working on at home. Use the twitter handle @stbellarmine and #Y5SRB. 


Thank-you again for working so hard, keep trying your best and a big thank you to all your parents for their help and support. 


We miss you all very much, take care. 


Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby
