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Maths & 4-a-Day


The file below contains this week's 4 lessons, each covering a different strand of the Year 4 maths curriculum. The work is designed to reinforce prior learning and should be able to be done independently.

Daily Maths Activity

This week, during your daily lessons, you will be completing work based upon money. . For the daily maths activity (Monday - Thursday) the children should follow the link below to access a video for each daily lesson. It is important that these videos are followed as they guide the children through the worksheets. These activities may require a bit more support and involve pausing the video to complete the activities.

Arithmetic Practice I

Friday's Maths Mystery

It is the annual Big Bash Sports Day at St. Peter’s Academy. Everyone is really excited and they are especially looking forward to the silly sack race between the teachers! The sun is shining, the race tracks are marked out and parents are gathering around.


However, disaster has struck! Mr. Patel has gone to the PE cupboard to get the sacks and they are missing! Fortunately, the sack thief has not been as careful as they thought they had been and some clues have been left behind. As Chief Inspector, you have to use the descriptions of all the people who were seen near the PE cupboard the day before and solve the clues to unmask the sack thief! 


Good luck detectives!
