This week, your focus on Monday- Thursday is on Position and Direction. We will be working on consolidating work on all four quadrants, translation and reflection. There are some PowerPoint presentations for you to work through which will provide examples and support during your lessons. You will notice that there are two sets of questions each day. Please start with the varied fluency questions before moving on to the reasoning and problem solving ones. Remember there are three levels: developing, expected and greater depth. Please choose the level that you feel most comfortable with. You might like to start at one level before moving on to the next. Please don’t worry if you haven’t got a printer, just answer as many questions as you can in your book. Answers have been provided but please don't look at these until you have completed your work!
There are some mixed word problems for you to have a go at today. They include various topics that we have already covered in class. Think about which strategy is best when trying to solve each problem.