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Message for Children

Good morning Year Two,

We hope you and your families are well. It was lovely to see some year 2 in school this week and look forward to speaking to lots of you this week on the phone.

Please keep emailing to let us know what you are doing or to show us any work that you are proud of.  You can email to ask us any questions or just to let us know how you are doing. We really do love receiving your messages!



Twitter: @StBellarmine


This weeks activities (week 10) are now on our class page on the school website. Please try to prioritise math, reading, spellings and some writing. There are also lots of other activities for you to choose from.


There are a few things to tell you about this week -


  • On Thursday 18 June, 10.00-10.15am, there is a special assembly, where you can join other boys and girls from around the country who want to feel more hopeful this summer. If you would like to watch it, please follow this link –  


  • As it would normally be Sport’s Day this week, Mrs Liggat has sent a Rainbow challenge for us all to complete, these challenges can be found in the PE Activities section of the website. Here there are daily  sporting activities for you to complete, the challenge starts on the 20th June, the days before this can be used to practise the challenges. When each days activity has been completed fill in your score card. At the end of the challenge return the score card to me via our class email address above and receive a certificate.  


Thank you again for everything you are doing at home.


Take care, 


Mrs Connell and Mrs Bonner 


