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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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Message for Parents and Carers

Good morning,

We can't believe another week has passed already!

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk last week, it was lovely to speak to you all and to the children. We really do appreciate how hard you are working.  If we have not managed to speak to you please contact us using our class email address so that we can arrange a time that is suitable for you.

This week's activities have been put on the class page.  You can  use the timetable given  to organise learning or complete the activities as and when you can. If you are not able to complete every activity please prioritise daily reading, spelling, some basic sentence writing and 4 a day. These will keep skills bubbling until we are able to return to school.

Although it is important for your child to continue learning while they are at home, health and well-being of you all is just as important. This week Mrs Davies has added some information about wellbeing for both adults and children to the SEND page on our website. This can be found if you click on the key information tab, then on the SEND page.

The class email can now be used for you to keep in touch with us more easily. Please use this to ask any questions or share any work with us, it would be amazing to see one piece of work a week. It is lovely to see what the children are doing. You can still keep in touch using Twitter too.

Our class email is,

If you look at the reading section on this week's activities we have added another source for reading books. Oxford owl are allowing access to reading books that are book banded so that you choose a book at the same level as your child's school reading book. The colour they are working at is the colour sticker on the spine of their school book. If you are unsure what it is please email and I will pass this information onto you.

Thank you so much for your support,

Mrs Connell and Mrs Bonner

