Good Morning Year Two,
We hope you have had a lovely half term enjoying the beautiful weather that we have had.
Thank you for continuing to email and tweet, we love to hear from you all and see what you have been getting up to. Don't forget send any work that you wish to share with us or email any questions that you have.
Our class email is:
Twitter: @StBellarmine and #yr2srb
We have put all of the activities for this week on our class page. Try your best and have a go at the activities. Concentrate on reading, Maths, spellings and English. Don't forget that you have Sumdog and Numbots to play too, these will help you with maths skills.
Well done for continuing to read using Epic! Our class have read over 850 books so far. One of the activities we have given you for one afternoon is Epic Bingo, can you complete the bingo card? We have assigned some books about important women who have changed the world to fit in with our Florence Nightingale topic this week.
Before half term, we mentioned that there was an exciting national RE competition that you might like to enter. As you know, the official closing date for this is 31st July 2020. However, Mrs Jones, our RE Governor, along with the help of some of the parishioners from Church, has very kindly decided that she would like to organise our own ‘local’ version of the competition. The rules are the same as the official competition so please refer to the leaflet in the RE section of our class page as this will remind you of the task. The closing date for our local School/Church competition will be Friday 10th July as this will allow us to judge the entries and announce the winners before we break up for the summer holidays. We have decided that there will be a winner from EFYS, KS1 and KS2 and each child will receive a £10 voucher. In order to enter, please email a copy or photograph of your piece of work by Friday 10th July to your class email address. All entries will be displayed in Church once it is safe to reopen and a selection will also be shared in the Church newsletter and Facebook page. Don’t forget to enter your work into the national competition too by 31st July for your chance to win £25! Good Luck!
Have a good week everyone, thank you all for working hard,
Mrs Connell and Mrs Bonner