Good morning Year Two,
We hope you are all safe and well and are getting used to working from home. It was very strange to be in school last week without you all, both me and Mrs Bonner missed you a lot! We just wanted to say a big thank you for working hard on the activities that had been provided last week, we really do appreciate it. Please remember to spread the activities that you have left to complete out across the week and try your best with these. We will be adding some extra activities today for those of you who are coming to the end of the pack. It is very important that while you are at home you keep up with your reading, making sure that you are reading each day. Mrs Dowell has asked you to keep a record of any books that you have read to share with us when you return to school or tweet us @stbellarmine to show us what you are reading, we would love to see you all. In fact share anything that you have been working on or are very proud of with us on Twitter using the handle @stbellarmine and #Y2SRB.
Thank you to those who have been able to access Numbots and Sumdog, over half of you have managed to complete activities on these last week. We know that it can be difficult to access these on some devices, thank you for trying! Daisy managed to access Numbots every day last week for about 10 minutes a day! We noticed that most of you are accessing the maths activities on Sumdog but may not know where to find the reading and spelling activities.
- When you log on to Sumdog you will be given a warm up activity, when you have completed this you will automatically be taken to the maths training section.
-If you look to the left of the screen you will see a section called tasks, click on this.
-Scroll down the options and you will see maths training, spelling training, reading training, multiplication tables practice, addition, subtraction and division.
-Try to access some of the other activities if you can.
We also noticed that counting in 5's was not as accurate as counting in 10's so this week you could concentrate on this - counting in 5's forwards and backwards accurately.
Thank you again for trying so hard in these unusual times we really do appreciate it,
Mrs Connell and Mrs Bonner