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Message from Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson

Hello Year 6,


How are you all?  We can’t believe it has now been two months since we were last together! We really miss you all so much. We hope you and your families continue to stay safe and well.  Thank you so much for another week of working hard at home.


Thank you also for your lovely emails – they have really put a smile on our faces! It has been wonderful hearing and seeing what you have been up. We are so proud of you all for your hard work and dedication. It is brilliant to hear that you have been enjoying family activities and relaxation time too as these are really important. 


The activities for this week include Philosophy questions, Maths, 4-a-Day, Problems of the Day, SPAG, English, RE, PSHE, Spanish, Computing and Art. Like we have said before, you may choose some activities and spend longer completing these than is started on the suggested timetable - this is absolutely fine!  In addition, as always, we have also added some extra activities that you might like to complete. The mindfulness and well-being activities are a good support during your relaxation time.


Well done once again for keeping up with your reading. Remember, reading for around 20 minutes each day makes a real difference.  Thank you to those who have been using Epic! Reading. As a result of your hard work, we have been awarded two more badges! Well done children!




Thank you for your tweets, we really enjoy seeing them. Please continue to try to tweet any work that you are proud of. Don’t forget to use the handle @StBellarmine and #Y6SRB.


We continue to miss you all so much. Thank you all once again for working hard and a huge thank you to your parents who are doing a wonderful job supporting you, we really appreciate it.


We look forward to catching up with you again over emails this week.


Take care and stay safe.


Lots of love,

Mrs McQuiggan and Mrs Johnson xx
