- Y4 Greeks Play in a day Tuesday 29th April
- KS2 Romeo& Juliet Black Box Theatre Friday 2nd May
- Bank holiday Monday 5th May
- Y4 Sacramental preparation meeting Tuesday 6th May 2pm
- Y1 Class Assembly Friday 9th May
- Y6 SATS Mon 12-Fri 16 May
- Y2 SATS Mon 19-Fri 23 May
- Peter Pan – Nursery/Reception Play in a day Monday 19th May
- School Finishes for Half term 3pm Friday 23rd May
- School Re-opens 8.55am Monday 2nd June
Forthcoming dates up to the end of the summer term
- Y4 First Holy Communion and Confirmation 11am Friday 6th June
- Infant Sports day 10am Wednesday 11th June
- Junior Sports day 1pm Wednesday 11th June
- Non Uniform day (Old toys) Friday 13th June
- Reception Class assembly 9.10am Friday 13th June
- Y5 Crosby Lakeside 9am Wednesday 18th June
- Romeo & Juliet Workshop Y3 Y5 Thursday 19th June
Y4 Y6 Friday 20Th June
- Y2 Assembly 9.10am Friday 27th June
- Y6 visit Colomendy Mon 23-Fri 27 June
- Y5 Bike It Tuesday 17th June
Tuesday 24th June
- Childrens University Graduation Wednesday 2nd July
- Nursery Graduation assembly Friday 4th July
- Non Uniform (Bottles) Friday 4th July
- Arts – Music/Dance festival 9am Thursday 10th July
- Summer Fair Friday 11th July
- Y6 Leavers Mass 7pm Monday 14th July
- Y6 Leavers assembly 9am Friday 18th July
School closes for Summer Friday 18th July 1.30pm