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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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25th March 2024

Dear Parents/Carers

Just a few updates for the week leading up to the Easter break.

Wednesday 27th March Junior Easter Service 7pm in church.

Please make sure your child is in church by 6.45 so we can start at 7pm. We are really looking forward to sharing this occasion with you all.

Thursday 28th March

Easter Competition

If your child wishes to take part in this, please bring in their entries on Wednesday or Thursday morning. Thank you for your amazing contributions!

As you may remember we had our RE inspection earlier this half term. We have received the draft report and the final version will be sent out on Monday 15th April.

We will be giving individual prizes for good attendance this week. There will also be two classes who will share the best class attendance reward this term. Well done to Year 5 and Year 6. They will get their treat on Thursday.

Sefton Schools say #kNOwKnifeCrime

We will be taking part in this Sefton event on Wed 17th April. A group of children will run from school to Springwell Primary. The rest of the school will participate by running around school grounds. The campaign is to raise awareness of Knife Crime and to provide bleed control kits and cabinets for communities. There is a letter attached with more detail provided.

Summer School uniform

Summer school uniform is Girls:-Blue and white check dress, white or maroon cardigan or usual winter uniform

Boys: usual winter uniform or grey shorts

Please make sure your child wears the correct school shoes. This means flat black shoes – not pumps or sandals or jellies for girls and black shoes for boys, not trainers.

Unfortunately, we had some really sad news on Friday. Father Barry, who was Parish Priest here up until March 2020 sadly died on Friday last week. He had been unwell for some time. He will be really missed by us all. Our thoughts and prayers are with his family during this time.

School finishes at 1.30pm on THURSDAY 28th MARCH

Return to school on Monday 15th April at 8.55am

Thank you for all your support and cooperation last term. We wish you all a happy and holy Easter and look forward to seeing you back for the Summer term.

Kind regards,

M Dowell
