Dear Children,
Over the last few days you will have seen and heard a lot of news and a lot of things seem very different because of the corona virus. School ended very suddenly for most of you last Friday, which may have felt fantastic at first but may well become less fun as time goes on! Your parents and carers have had to keep most of you at home as a way of keeping everyone safe. So your days will seem very different.
But there are lots of things that haven’t changed. We want you to know that the staff at St Robert Bellarmine will carry on thinking about you and caring about you and your families every day. We’d like to ask you to do the same for us please.
We won’t see you for a while so there are some important things we would like you to remember.
This is a very serious and challenging time and we must do everything that we are asked to do by the government. Yet we must also remember there are a lot of good things happening in amongst the bad things. People are talking to each other and are offering to help each other more. This is such a good thing. As well as staying in, washing hands and social distancing, let’s all try to be as kind, as helpful and as generous as we possibly can in the days ahead. Think about the needs of others. What is happening now offers us an opportunity to become a kinder, more considerate world.
We will keep in touch with you each week through your class page on the website. Please keep in touch with us by tweeting anything you want to share with us! We are still a very strong community even though we can’t see each other every day!
You are a fantastic group of children and while we have said goodbye for a while, keep trying to do your work at home, keep being kind and keep thinking of others.
I bet none of you ever thought you might think this but’s OK to miss school!!
Finally, try not to argue with your brothers and sisters...too much!
Take care,
The Staff at St Robert Bellarmine.