30th April
Dear Parents,
Another week goes by in lockdown! I hope you and your families are staying safe and well. I appreciate we are all watching the news each day and praying that things improve for us all and that there will be some movement towards normality. However, as far as I can see, there is still no clear idea of how and when schools will open to the whole school population, or even to a partial opening.
Teachers have continued to work really hard organising and planning the home learning. Again this will be ready for Monday morning. There is a wide variety of activities and subjects on offer on your class pages. I understand that this can be difficult for some of you to find time to support your children, for a variety of reasons, but if you can't manage all of the activities, continue to prioritise the Reading, Spelling, English and Maths work. I hope the timetable for each class is helpful, but again don't worry if you can't commit huge amounts of time, we understand everyone has different commitments and family circumstances. If anyone needs additional exercise books to complete work in, we can arrange for them to be collected from the office.
This week all of the Teachers have tried to phone each family to see how you are getting on. I know many of you have appreciated the contact and the opportunity to talk through things. The Teachers have told me that they have spoken to the vast majority of Parents but when the phone has not been answered, where possible they have left a message. If you think you have not been contacted, please email your Teacher using the new Class email address I sent earlier this week.
We very much hope that you will find it easier to be in touch with the Class Teacher now there is an individual class email. We would really like each child to share at least 1 piece of work each week with their Teacher who can then reply to the child. Hopefully this will be an incentive so that the children know we really haven't forgotten about them!
Anyone who is still having problems with their Free School Meal vouchers, can you next week contact finance.strobertbellarmine@schools.sefton.gov.uk.
We are still enjoying seeing all the Tweets you send. Please keep them coming! It helps us to stay in touch.
Please can you contact school with any issues either through the new class email, or next week on the email above. There may not always be someone in the office to answer the phone.
Finally, can those parents who are eligible as key workers to send their children to school, please inform us by email to admin.strobertbellarmine@schools.sefton.gov.uk by 3pm Friday if you want your child to attend school. This is to ensure we can plan staff rotas. Also let us know if you need Breakfast club.
Have a good weekend!
Kind regards
Mairead Dowell