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Letter to Parents 7 May 2020

7 May 2020

Dear Parents,

The end of another week in lockdown! Hope you and your families are coping with the strains and staying well and safe.

Thanks once again for your support in helping your children to manage their home learning. I know many of you are rising to the challenge and I can see from the Tweets and class email communications that the children are enjoying many of the activities. The staff have managed now to provide activities from most curriculum areas so please continue to encourage your children to do the basics (Reading, Writing, Spelling, Maths) and any of the other subjects which they enjoy.

There are additional resources on the SEND page of the website if you need them.

We are also sending an additional leaflet about online safety because we are aware that children are spending much more time on different devices and online. Can I emphasise the importance of you continuing to monitor their online activity, whether it is online gaming, mobile phones or laptops, as this is more important than ever.

As you know it's Bank Holiday VE day on Friday, so it would be lovely to see if you do anything to celebrate this in your homes.

We are all waiting for an announcement from the government on Sunday about any changes to the lockdown situation. We will obviously respond to this as soon as we know what they have decided for schools.

Please can any parents who are eligible as key workers to send their children to school contact school by 3pm today (Thursday) if possible so we can plan staffing. If you need Breakfast Club please inform school. Please use to contact school in the next week.

Parents can you continue to keep in touch with the Teachers using the class email addresses.

Have a lovely weekend!

Kind regards,

Mairead Dowell
