Dear Parents,
Hope you have enjoyed the Easter break and fantastic weather and made the best of the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in.
Schools will be re-opening on Monday 20th April only for the children who are eligible as their parents are key workers. Last night's decision for the lockdown to continue for a further 3 weeks further emphasises the importance of staying at home to protect yourselves and your children as far as is possible.
Can those parents who are eligible as key workers please confirm with admin.strobertbellarmine@schools.sefton.gov.uk if your child needs to attend next week and if you need Breakfast club as soon as possible please (end of today preferably so we can plan staffing).
I have really enjoyed seeing the Tweets you have shared with us about how the children are working away on their various tasks! I cannot thank you enough for your time and commitment in helping your children with their home learning! I appreciate that this can be quite difficult at times.
Can I encourage those of you who are not on Twitter to sign up as it really is a good way for us all to keep in touch .
Staff have been working on new Home learning activities for the forthcoming week. These will be available on the Class pages of the website again from 10am on Monday 20th April. We recognise that some of this work may be difficult to organise so we have tried to break it down into suggested timetables for each day. Again I appreciate this may be difficult if you are working yourselves and your child needs support but just try to do the best you can. We are continuing to think about the best ways of organising the Home learning and helping you and your children.
Families who are eligible for Free School Meals should be getting emails about their vouchers from Monday. The vouchers have been issued from a company called Edenred. Again if any issues please contact the admin email.
It may be more difficult to phone the school office over the next few weeks as we have a number of staff unable to be in school so please bear with this and if need be use the email to contact school.
Kind regards
M Dowell