Dear parents,
I hope that you all managed to have a well-deserved rest over the bank holiday and enjoyed the VE Day celebrations and sunshine.
As a new week of home schooling approaches, I am sure that you are all into the swing of your own home school routines by now. I know many of you are prioritizing Maths and English activities and practicing spelling and although there are various other activities each week, please feel free to select what your child is interested in or feels confident with. There is no expectation to do everything!
If you found the health and well being activity useful last week, there is a new one for the children to try, focusing on relationships this time. Part of the task discusses that we do not need to see each other all the time to still be friends, this may be useful as I am sure the children are really missing their friends by now. There is also a link to some R.E. information, which you may find useful.
Thank you for the emails, it is lovely for us to be able to keep in touch with the children and see what they have been working on. They are doing so well!
Please email again if possible and you can also tweet us too if you prefer.
Twitter: @StBellarmine
Thank you again for all your support, you really are all doing a wonderful job!
Take care,
Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby.