We continue with our RE topic based on Our World. The Archdiocese have produced a home learning scheme to be used at this time.
Reveal God's People
Different Saint sShow People What God is Like
The pages to focus upon for this week's work are pages 19 & 20
R.E. Competition
This is an exciting RE project that you can do at home. Over 350,000 children and young people have entered a competition to make a work of art in RE in recent years. Now is your chance to do the same. There are £25 prizes for the winners, and your work may appear on our web gallery.
The art you make should be all about your own ideas on a big religious question. It can be 2D art, painting, drawing, pastel colours. It can be 3D, fabric or sculpture, video art, music or poetry. You will do your best work if you consider how other children have done the task.
This is RE: so expressing your own ideas and comparing them to ideas from different religions and beliefs is what it is all about. Good luck!