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Week 2: 30/03/20

Hi everyone,

Hope you’re all safe and well. We thought it would be nice to keep in touch and see how you are all doing. Keep working hard on the activities that are being provided for you. Remember to spread these activities out across the week and remember it is not quantity it is quality we’re looking for. It’s really important that you keep up with your reading, making sure that you are reading each day. You could keep a record of all of the books you have read to share with us in school. Any work that you complete and are proud of share it with us through Twitter using the handle @stbellarmine and #Y4SRB. We saw some great work last week from Katy based on Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.


It’s getting very competitive at the top of the TTRockstars leaderboard with rock heroes – Jan Seter and Jordan Sweet tied in first place. Can anyone become a rock hero and displace these two at the top? Remember 10 games in the studio will record your time. The challenge is on!


If you are able to access Sumdog, there are two challenges set for this week: 

  • Reading challenge - pronouns and parts of speech
  • maths challenge - shape and space


Keep safe and work hard

Sir and Mrs Sutton


Dear parents,

f you are unable to or don't wish to print out any of the sheets the work can be completed straight into the workbook from the screen.

Remember to practise your spellings in your handwriting book on a daily basis.


Use the link below to 5 lessons by the White Rose maths Hub on decimals building on last week's learning.
Can you solve the mystery of the missing glue sticks? Use your place value knowledge to work out who has moved the tray of glue sticks. Good luck.
Try to complete two fact files; one for the city state of Athens and one for the city state of Sparta.

Science - Food Chains

Complete these activities related to food chains. How much can you recall from earlier in the year?


How many different food chains can you find? Record 3 different food chains in your book using pictures and words.


Don't forget your daily workout with Joe Wicks on YouTube

The Weekly Quiz
