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Week 9 - 08.06.20


Hi Year 3,


How are you all? I hope you and your families are keeping safe. I can’t believe how fast the time is going! I hope you are not missing school too much. I know you are all working so hard at home so keep this up! I am so proud when I see your emails showing off your great work.



Keep working on TTRockstars and EpicReading as these are so important! I know some of you have been playing on Numbots this week too – have you enjoyed it?  


I would love it if you could celebrate Empathy Day with your families this week. I have put all the details on the PSHE class work page. I have also included a really fun activity for you to complete! This activity helps you to look at all the positives that have come out of lockdown. I would love to see some tweets and emails about this!



Remember that you need to send me one piece of work each week to the email – It’s a great way for us to stay in touch and I love seeing what you’re up to. You can also just send an email to say hello or ask any questions about the work I have put on the class page.


I am going to make some phones call to you all in the next week or so. I can’t wait to speak to you and find out what you have been up to!



Stay safe everyone!


Miss Durnin and Mrs McBride xx
