John 13:34-35
Mrs Sutton, Miss McKenna and Sir would like to welcome you to
the Year 4 class page for 2024-2025.
Our aim is to keep you informed of all the things that are happening in our class.
For more detailed information about each curriculum subject please refer to the appropriate tab on the Curriculum page.
Spring Term
Spring 1
Wednesday 15th January: Macbeth Play-in-a-Day
Wednesday 22nd January: D&T workshop - textiles
Friday 24th January: Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts)
Friday 31st January: 'Inside Out' mental health awareness day
Thursday 6th February: 'Trashion Show'
Tuesday 11th February: online safety day
Friday 14th February: School closes for half-term (3pm)
Spring 2
Thursday 6th March: World Book Day
Monday 10th March: Pupil progress meetings
Friday 14th March: Comic Relief (mad-hair day)
Friday 21st March: Non-uniform day (chocolates)
Friday 4th April: Easter competitions
Friday 4th April: Term finishes @ 1:30pm
* please note: some of these dates may be subject to change
Dates for Your Diary
Autumn Term
Autumn 1
Wednesday 11th September: School Council Elections
Friday 13th September: Mass for feast of SRB
Tuesday 24th September: class trip to Martin Mere
Friday 4th October: Macmillan Coffee Morning
Thursday 10th October: 'Hello Yellow' mental health awareness day
Friday 11th October: Non-uniform day (unwanted gifts)
Monday 21st October: Pupil progress meeting (12:30-5:30pm)
Friday 25th October: Non-uniform day (wearing red or blue to say NO to discrimination)
Friday 25th October: School closes for half-term (3pm)
Autumn 2
Monday 4th November: Friendship Week
Monday 11th November: School Photographer
Friday 15th November: Children in Need (pyjama day)
Friday 22nd November: Y4 friendship assembly
Friday 29th November: non-uniform day (chocolates)
Tuesday 3rd December: First Reconciliation (1:30pm church)
Friday 6th December: non-uniform day (bottles)
Friday 13th December: Xmas Fayre (1:15 pm)
Tuesday 17th December: Advent Service (7pm) (tbc)
Thursday 19th December: Xmas jumper day
Friday 20th December: Xmas disco
Friday 20th December: Term finishes @ 1:30pm
* please note: some of these dates may be subject to change
Look What We've Been Up To!
Autumn Term
The Light of Christ
Tuesday December 3rd was a very special day for the children of Year 4 as they received the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. They delivered a beautiful and very reflective service of which they should all feel very proud. The theme of the service was the Light of Christ burning within each of us and how through doing things wrong we begin to let the light dim. However, through the gift of reconciliation we are able to say we are sorry for the things we have done wrong and allow the light of Christ to burn brightly within us once again.
Mere Tun Trip
As part of our topic on history topic about the Anglo-Saxons, Year 4 recently visited Martin Mere and their settlement of Mere Tun. Here we experienced life in Anglo-Saxon times. During the visit we went foraging in the woods for materials that would be useful in camp, we weaved a pig pen from willow, we learnt how to thatch a roof using reeds and we learnt to defend the village from Viking attack. We all had an amazing day and learnt so much.
British Values
We presented the first class assembly of the year when we talked to the whole school about the British value of democracy. We explained the origins of democracy in Ancient Greece and how our country works as a dmeocracy. We then talked about how our the election of our school councilors follows a democratic process. We then introduced the members of this year's School Council.
4-digit Numbers
We began exploring 4-digit numbers during our maths lessons. We used place value counters and place value charts to make different numbers before writing them in digits and words. We the used our problem solving skills to help identify different mystery numbers.
School Council Elections 2024
Well done to everyone who took part in the school council elections and put themselves forward to be a school councilor. The standard was very high this year and it was a very difficult job for the children to decide who to vote for. After listening to each candidates' manifesto, all of the class went to the polling station to cast their votes. It was a very close run thing. Congratulations to our three new year 4 councilors!