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Year Six English

Romeo and Juliet 

Our new text is Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare.  Our  Reading Area now contains  Romeo and Juliet books  and books that link to Shakespeare.  There are also a few clues from the play, we used these in our first lesson to make some predictions. 

Our Romeo and Juliet Play In A Day 

To support our understanding of the text we took part in a play in a day. At the end of the day, we performed our version of the play to other classes.

Our Andy Grant Work

As you can see on our main page, we had a visit from, a local hero, Andy Grant. We used Andy’s visit to gather information about him so that we could write our own biography about him. We made comparison between Andy Grant and Phillipe Petit.  Please see below for images of our Andy Grant display and some of our biographies. 

Our Philippe Petit Work

In  our Literacy lessons, we have been reading about the famous high wire walker, Philippe Petit. Having read the book The Man Who Walked Between the Towers by Mordicai Gerstein, we wrote biographies of his exciting life in which he achieved the impossible.



Our Reading Area

Our Reading area is updated to include books to match our topic. Below is some of the books we were able to look at to support our biography topic. 
