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Afternoon Activities

Afternoon Activities 


Here are range of activities that you can choose from. 


Health and Wellbeing.

This week we will be thinking about the different things that influence us and how this can effect the decisions we make.

Science - The Moon

Use the video, the link to information and your own research to decide whether the facts about the moon are true or false. 

History - The Maya and farming. 

The Maya were very skilled farmers and the civilisation relied on the crops grown by the farmers to survive. However it was not easy to farm the land in the areas the Maya lived. Find out about the problems the encountered and how they solved them. Complete the grid using the information in the presentation. 

Computing - making a video. 

In this activity you will create an epic movie trailer. The aim of this activity is to create a video of all the things you have done during your time in isolation.
