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Message from Mrs Devine & Mrs Rigby

Hello Year 5, 


Another week has flown by already! I hope that you and your families are ok and that you are not missing school too much. Well done for another week of home schooling, it has been lovely to see your tweets and emails this week. Please continue to keep in touch. 


Over the week I have spoken to many parents and some of you too and it was lovely to hear how well you are doing at home. We are all very proud of you! 


We now have our class email, which will make it much easier for us to keep in touch. You can use the email to send one piece of work a week at You can also send us a message to say hello, tell us about your achievements or ask a question if you are unsure about any of the work. 


The timetable for this week covers 4 days as Friday is bank holiday. Remember the timetable is just a rough guide and I know many of you have developed your own which is working really well, please stick to what you feel comfortable with. 


Remember to keep up with your reading and TTRockstars, these are really important skills. 


That’s all for now, 

Take care and keep smiling  


Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby

