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Message for children

Good morning everyone,


We hope you are all well and safe. We are missing you still and hope we can get back to school very soon!


Thank you for keeping in touch this week, we really do love seeing your emails and tweets. These show us how hard you have been working while you are at home. Please do keep in touch and share what you have been up to this week. Our class email is


Well done everyone, we have read over 600 books on Epic Reading! That is a great achievement, but year 3 are catching up so keep on reading. We have assigned a few books with the theme of kindness this week on Epic!, check them out! Don't forget you can read other books from other sources, look at the reading section of this weeks work. We have given you the link to BBC Bitesize book club and the times that it is on each day, we have linked the book club for Tidy and Cake this week.


We have sent reward coins on Sumdog to all of you who have played last week. If you haven't we will award some more coins at the end of the week.


Thank you so much for working hard,

Mrs Connell and Mrs Bonner
