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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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Message for Parents and Carers

Dear Parents,


I can't believe another week has passed by so quickly! We both hope that you and your families are safe and well. Thank you again for your continued support and hard work, we are very grateful for all of the work you are all doing at home with your children.


Thank you to those who have been in touch via our new email, we are really enjoying seeing what the children are up to. It’s been great to have another form of communication with you, please continue to keep in touch even if it is just to say hello or to ask a question. We will try our best to help as best as we can. Our class email is  Please keep the tweets coming as well using the handle @StBellarmine and also #yr2srb.


As we have mentioned before, the most important things to continue with are: English, reading, maths. If possible please try to do these every week day. There are lots of other subjects available for your child to work on too, I know many of the children enjoy the Geography, History and computing. Please do what is best for you and your family.


In addition to the weekly work there are now links on our class webpage to SEND information, the RE section of the school website and the PE page. These are regularly updated and are another source of information for you.


Again thank you so much for everything you are doing, we really appreciate it,

Take care and stay safe.

Mrs Connell and Mrs Bonner
