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Message from Mrs Devine & Mrs Rigby

Hello children,


How are you all? Thank you to those who have emailed me lovely photos of your work and of the fun you are having, it always makes use smile to see what you have been working on and hear about what you have been doing. 


It has been a long time that you’ve been away from school and I know you are trying really hard  to continue your work at home, so thank you and well done. I can see that many of you have being reading the books assigned to you on Epic Reading and I have added some additional books on plant life-cycles, which will support you with our new science topic. 

This weeks activities can be found our class webpage under week 11!! Remember it’s important to keep up with your reading, maths/times tables and spellings. There are also history, science, computing, Spanish and art activities for you too choose from too. 


There is also a Coronavirus 14 day challenge for you to take part in. In the folder entitled, Quiz and Extras, you will find a list of activities that you can try, which will help support your health and wellbeing as this is just as important as our reading, writing and maths! You don’t have to do all 14 but you many find some that you will enjoy. 


Don’t forget it’s time to get your sport's kit on take part in The Rainbow Games. On our class page of the website, you will find instructions for each of the activities and the score-card. Once you have completed the activity, fill in the score-card and email it to our class email address below and receive your certificate. Remember you can get your whole family involved and make sure you have lots of fun! 


We love to hear from you so please send us your messages, pictures and work using the details below. We can’t wait see some pictures of you taking part in the Rainbow Games. 


Our class email address is:



Take care, keep smiling and have fun!


Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby

