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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

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Parents' Information

Dear parents, 


Thank you all for your support with another week of home schooling. It was lovely to catch up with you this week, thank-you for sparing some time to talk about how it was all going. 


Many of you have developed your own routines and selected the areas you feel are best to focus on, this is absolutely fine. Please feel free to choose from the activities, there is no expectation to complete everything. Although the activities cover many aspects of the curriculum, the subjects to prioritise are reading, times tables/maths and spelling. 


This week some useful information on wellbeing for children and adults has been added to the school website. This information can be found under the key information tab on the homepage and then click on the SEND page. I have also included a well-being activity in this week’s home school pack to use if you wish to.


As you know there is now a class email so that your child can send us one piece of work each week that they would like us to see. It is an easy way for them keep in touch with us and ask any questions they may have about the work. It is lovely for us to see what the children have been working on and to say well done to them. You can also still keep in touch with us via twitter too.


As I said in our conversations please just do what you can and you feel works best for your child and family.  We do not want you to feel under any additional pressure during this time, which is far from normal. You really are doing a fantastic job and we appreciate everything you are doing. 


Take care and we hope to see you soon 


Mrs Devine and Mrs Rigby. 




