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St Robert Bellarmine Catholic Primary School

We are God’s work of art

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A couple of weeks  the RE activity was to produce an entry for a competition. Mrs McQuiggan has asked if we could put this on again this week as our Church have decided to hold their own competition. They would like to use as many of the entries as possible to display in Church and they have also bought prizes to give to the winners. The entries need to be emailed to our class email address and I will forward them to Mrs McQuiggan. I have put the information below.


This week the RE task is a competition. It will be to produce a piece of art in response to a big question. It can be 2D art, painting, drawing, 3D, sculpture, video art, music, poetry - anything you like!


The themes are - 

  • God's Good Earth
  • Holy Words!
  • Where is God?


More detailed  information is included below.


Please find below the link to our RE page where there is further information to support you at this time.