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Keep up to date with all the news happening in school at the moment.

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  • Online Safety Newsletter

    Mon 27 Apr 2020

    Please look in the e safety section on the website for the latest Online Safety Newsletter.


  • Letter to Parents 23rd April 2020

    Thu 23 Apr 2020

    23rd April 2020

    Dear Parents,

    Here's the weekly update. I hope you and your families continue to enjoy the lovely weather and that you are managing as best you can!

    Teachers have worked very hard organising home learning and we hope you are able to access this. We appreciate that it is difficult for everyone to juggle the demands of home life, other children and perhaps going out to work, or working from home. Nevertheless, as weeks go by, we would not want our children to miss out on the opportunity to be able to continue to either keep key skills bubbling, or some new learning. Please just try to do your best with it. New work will be available again on Monday morning.

    We understand that a few of you are still struggling to access the government vouchers for Free School Meals from Edenred. This is a national problem. However please contact and Mrs Austin will try to help you.

    We are really enjoying seeing the Tweets which you have sent letting us see how the children are getting on. I particularly enjoyed the Keepy up challenge! Well done to those who had a go. Again Parents, please continue to keep in touch through twitter.

    There may not always be anyone in the office each day so if you cannot contact us by phone then the best method is on the admin email above.

    Finally, can those parents who are eligible as key workers to send children to school, please inform us by email by 3pm Friday if you want your child to attend school. This is to ensure we can plan staff rotas. Also let us know if you need Breakfast club.

    Enjoy your weekend!

    Kind regards

    M Dowell

  • Letter to parents 17th April 2020

    Mon 20 Apr 2020



    Dear Parents,


    Hope you have enjoyed the Easter break and fantastic weather and made the best of the difficult circumstances we find ourselves in.


    Schools will be re-opening on Monday 20th April only for the children who are eligible as their parents are key workers. Last night's decision for the lockdown to continue for a further 3 weeks further emphasises the importance of staying at home to protect yourselves and your children as far as is possible.


    Can those parents who are eligible as key workers please confirm with if your child needs to attend next week and if you need Breakfast club as soon as possible please (end of today preferably so we can plan staffing). 


    I have really enjoyed seeing the Tweets you have shared with us about how the children are working away on their various tasks! I cannot thank you enough for your time and commitment in helping your children with their home learning! I appreciate that this can be quite difficult at times.

    Can I encourage those of you who are not on Twitter to sign up as it really is a good way for us all to keep in touch .


    Staff have been working on new Home learning activities for the forthcoming week. These will be available on the Class pages of the website again from 10am on Monday 20th April. We recognise that some of this work may be difficult to organise so we have tried to break it down into suggested timetables for each day. Again I appreciate this may be difficult if you are working yourselves and your child needs support but just try to do the best you can. We are continuing to think about the best ways of organising the Home learning and helping you and your children.

    Families who are eligible for Free School Meals should be getting emails about their vouchers from Monday. The vouchers have been issued from a company called Edenred. Again if any issues please contact the admin email.


    It may be more difficult to phone the school office over the next few weeks as we have a number of staff unable to be in school so please bear with this and if need be use the email to contact school.


    Kind regards

    M Dowell

  • Letter to Parents 27 March 2020

    Fri 27 Mar 2020

     27th March 2020


    Dear Parents and Carers


    As we arrive at the end of the first full week of our partial closure I hope you and your families are well. While the situation across the country is challenging us all, I hope that you have found more time to spend together living a less frantic life.

    In school, we have been supporting the children of our key worker parents. While it is very quiet, it is good to know that we can support our community in a small way at this time.

    We will be continuing to do this next week, however school will be closed to ALL children during the Easter break (ie Saturday 4th April- Sunday 19th April).

    School will then re-open for the children of Key worker families, unless of course, there are new government instructions.


    As you know we have put home learning work on the class pages for the children. There will be more new work set after the Easter break.

    With regard to home learning, supporting your children can be enjoyable but also challenging.  I would suggest agreeing with your child or children what they will study and learn during the day and how they will do that. Then ensure there are regular breaks and times to relax with you or by themselves.

    Anything academic that you can support with, is a real bonus but the main thing is that we all get through this period of time safely. It is a great opportunity to be with each other and an opportunity that we may not get back as our children grow up.


    As you can see we have written a letter to your children. This time last week was an extremely busy and unplanned for day. Children will not have really known quite what to make of it all! We are aware that is was sad for many of our children, particularly the Year 6’s who have left school suddenly, possibly never to return. Some of them even said they were very disappointed after all that work not to be doing their SAT’s!!


    It is our intention to stay in regular communication with you. Each week the Teachers will put a message on the Class page on the Monday morning by 10am to keep in touch. We would really like it if you want to share anything you are doing through Twitter using @stbellarmine and we can still get a sense of being together as a school community, looking out for each other and sharing our learning and experiences.


    Kind regards,


    Mairead O’Neill Dowell




  • Letter to children 27 March

    Fri 27 Mar 2020

    Dear Children,

    Over the last few days you will have seen and heard a lot of news and a lot of things seem very different because of the corona virus. School ended very suddenly for most of you last Friday, which may have felt fantastic at first but may well become less fun as time goes on! Your parents and carers have had to keep most of you at home as a way of keeping everyone safe. So your days will seem very different.

    But there are lots of things that haven’t changed. We want you to know that the staff at St Robert Bellarmine will carry on thinking about you and caring about you and your families every day. We’d like to ask you to do the same for us please.

    We won’t see you for a while so there are some important things we would like you to remember.

    This is a very serious and challenging time and we must do everything that we are asked to do by the government. Yet we must also remember there are a lot of good things happening in amongst the bad things. People are talking to each other and are offering to help each other more. This is such a good thing. As well as staying in, washing hands and social distancing, let’s all try to be as kind, as helpful and as generous as we possibly can in the days ahead. Think about the needs of others. What is happening now offers us an opportunity to become a kinder, more considerate world.

    We will keep in touch with you each week through your class page on the website. Please keep in touch with us by tweeting anything you want to share with us! We are still a very strong community even though we can’t see each other every day!

    You are a fantastic group of children and while we have said goodbye for a while, keep trying to do your work at home, keep being kind and keep thinking of others.

    I bet none of you ever thought you might think this but’s OK to miss school!!

    Finally, try not to argue with your brothers and sisters...too much!

    Take care,

    The Staff at St Robert Bellarmine.

  • Home work packs

    Tue 24 Mar 2020

    Home work packs

    Dear Parents/carers

    All of the home work for children to access in their home learning is now on the class pages on the school website as indicated earlier.

    It was impossible to email to parents due to the sheer volume.

    It is important to make sure that your child does some work each day  for an appropriate amount of time. It is probably best to work on an activity for approx. 30-45 mins dependent on the age of your child. They will work better if they have short breaks. They can then move onto another activity. Reading has been proven to be the most important activity a child can undertake. so please make sure your child reads to you every day for approx. 20-30 mins, again dependent on age. If your child is still an emerging reader, it is equally important for you to read to them. Try to give them a variety of activities each day so that they don't get bored. Some of the activities will take longer than others, so these may be split over a couple of days.

    There is a phonics Read Write Inc live session each day. This is applicable for Nursery and Reception (set 1 speed sounds ) at 9.30 am and 12.30pm. Reception and Y1 can access the Set 2 speed sounds sessions at 10am and 1pm. Y1 can access Set 3 speed sounds at 10.30am and 1.30pm. The link is

    There is a Joe Wicks  PE lesson on youtube at 9-9.30am each morning. This is a great way to start the day!

    Good luck in your new role as home educators!

    There should be enough work set on the class pages should be sufficient for the next few weeks. Teachers will be working on future work packs in the forthcoming weeks.

    Kind regards

    M Dowell

  • CoronaVirus Information

    Mon 16 Mar 2020

    Dear Parent/carers


    As a school we continue to watch the news carefully regarding the coronavirus. We are awaiting guidance from the government and the local authority. We are continuing to promote good hygiene and vigilance in school.

    In all events, we will only act under the guidance of Public Health England.

    The students are very calm in school and going about the normal daily lives.  I would ask for your continued support at this time. Please be assured that we, like all schools nationwide, are awaiting advice.





  • Attendance Reward

    Fri 07 Feb 2020
    Out of 239 children in our school 219 had 100% attendance this week. Well done to our lucky winner - remember #gottabeintowin
  • Movie Night

    Thu 06 Feb 2020

    I am pleased to inform you that this year for our movie nights we have raised £300.  We would like to say a thank you for all your support.  As you know these funds are going directly to Issac's House.

    Thank You


    Chair Person of the School Council


  • Be Active Sefton Events for February Half Term

    Wed 05 Feb 2020